Christian Family Centre South is a church for all people who encounter God’s love, belong to his family, and share in his mission for our city and world.


Encounter God’s love 

We see a diverse community that proclaims the gospel and celebrates with passion. 


Belong to His family

We value meeting together regularly so that spiritual growth, discipleship and authentic relationships can take place.


Share in God’s mission 

We are a community of people sharing the extraordinary love and hope of Jesus in our everyday lives. 


We are part of a family of Churches 'CFC Churches'. The first CFC church at Seaton emerged out of a revival of teenagers in 1976 and has grown to be one of the most fruitful and respected churches of the city. There are now CFC churches planted in 3 states ministering to thousands of people in diverse contexts. 

We hold to the historic teachings of the church as outlined in the Apostles and Nicene creed. We are a member CRC churches international.